Wednesday, March 14, 2007


The book is over...These are just exercises...


This part explained a bit more about quantum computing and how it works to do things in parallel by using a linear combination of states for the input and it gets a set of states as an output. I really still don't understand how this works or why. Also, I pretty much missed how the factoring algorithm works. I understand that they perform a fourier transform on the data points, but I'm not sure what the transform's result means in the context of finding a root.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007


I liked the intro to quantum cryptography since it explained how light is used and I found it quite fascinating. I thought it was interesting that they used the polarity as a measurement of the bit. I didn't understand how quantum security is more secure at all since someone could perform a man in the middle attack quite easily.


The Diffie-Hellman key exchange was a really nice surprise since it's so simple, and it's easy to understand how it works. I like how it seems like it would be easy to break, but in reality it's very very hard. I didn't understand the ElGamal crypto system. I'm not sure what they are trying to do in it, and it seems kind of strange. I see why it works with the identity, but I'm not sure on the rationale behind it.


I thought that the idea of using public key cryptography to confirm who sent a message is really neat idea since it allows you to use the encryption for verification. I never thought of using the private key to decrypt as a way of verifying who sent a message. It's really quite clever. I didn't quite grasp the example they used for the two countries and how that would work.

Thursday, February 22, 2007


The RSA Challenge seemed somewhat straightforward except for the part about how people attacked it. I wasn't clear on the whole thing about how people worked with a distributed network to make a sparse matrix that they later reduced to a nonsparse matrix.


The primality testing was the most interesting thing in this section because it enables testing primes with a given probability. I found it interesting because it lets you guess if a number is prime without actually dividing by all numbers less than a certain number. I didn't understand how any of the factorization methods work at all. It wasn't quite clear how they work step by step for their algorithm.